Something that has always bothered me is the noise when deflating stand-up paddleboards. Due to the high pressure, it’s incredibly loud when you open the valve—so loud that it can scare or disturb people and animals nearby. We’re talking about a noise level of approximately 120-130 decibels, which is as loud as a jet taking off. Continuous noise above 85 decibels can cause permanent hearing damage.

To solve this problem, we developed the LBS Valve—LAMA BREATH SILENCER.

The valve looks same as a regular valve on the outside, but we’ve revolutionized its internal construction. Instead of releasing all the air at once, the deflation process happens in two steps:

Step 1:
The high pressure of around 15 PSI is gradually released through a patented filter system until it reaches approximately 1.5 PSI.

Step 2:
Once the pressure reaches 1.5 PSI, the valve opens fully, allowing for faster deflation of our stand-up paddles. Our Mint Lama board, for example, can be gently and quietly deflated in less than 50 seconds, with a maximum noise level of just 80 decibels—about as loud as standing on a busy street. This level is not harmful to humans or animals.

In recent years, we’ve emphasized at trade shows and in interviews how important innovation is in the inflatable world. Well… this is a hell of an innovation! We believe it definitely deserves at least one award! I’m sure you agree…

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