Join Us at the 2024 Paddle Sports Show for an Inspiring Talk by Eric Jackson

We are thrilled to announce that multiple world champion, Olympian, and industry veteran Eric Jackson (EJ) will be speaking at this year’s Paddle Sports Show conference and talk program. As one of the most famous and respected whitewater paddlers in the world, EJ’s passion for paddling is contagious, and his insights into the sport are invaluable.
In his upcoming presentation, EJ will explore a simple yet powerful theory: for the paddling industry to grow, it’s not only about reaching new demographics but also re-engaging a largely untapped market—lapsed paddlers. These are individuals who once loved kayaking but have drifted away due to life changes like marriage, career shifts, or starting a family. According to EJ, the barriers to re-engaging them are minimal, yet the rewards for the industry could be significant.
Paddle Sports Show: EJ, you’re coming to the Paddle Sports Show this year. What’s the main message you want to get across to the audience?
Eric Jackson: Mainly that we have a demographic that doesn’t get much attention, if any. It’s perhaps the low-hanging fruit that has been overlooked. I’ve been doing some testing in those waters recently.
Paddle Sports Show: Besides developing the brands you’ve worked with, you’ve also run clinics for many years. Is that how you became aware of these lapsed paddlers and the potential they represent for the industry?
Eric Jackson: When I started Apex, I found I was getting a lot of older customers. Quite a few were either already out of the sport or thinking about getting out and hadn’t bought a boat in a long time.
“Few paddlers actually say, “I quit kayaking,” but a week off turns into a month, then a year, and before they know it, it’s been five or ten years.”
Paddle Sports Show: How do you define a lapsed paddler?
Eric Jackson: Few paddlers actually say, “I quit kayaking,” but a week off turns into a month, then a year, and before they know it, it’s been five or ten years. Some are just paddlers who are no longer buying new gear, and because of that, they’re no longer relevant to manufacturers or dealers. They’re not part of the ecosystem unless they’re active.
“The main thing is to get them excited about kayaking again—enough to take action.“
Paddle Sports Show: What’s the solution in your mind? What can be done, and who can do it?
Eric Jackson: There are plenty of ways to engage this group, and I’ll be sharing some examples in my presentation. The main thing is to get them excited about kayaking again—enough to take action. The steps are simple: 1. Get them into a boat. 2. Help them regain their confidence (through instruction or hand-holding at first). 3. Get them involved in a social group of paddlers again. Anyone can do this—dealers, manufacturers, kayak schools, or kayak clubs. It’s just about creating a path back into the sport for them.
Paddle Sports Show: You’ll also be exhibiting Apex Kayaks, right?
Eric Jackson: Yes! I’m excited to come to my first Paddle Sports Show as Apex Watercraft, bringing my new lightweight kayaks. I’m finally ready to offer them to European dealers. Since they’re made in Portugal, it’s a perfect match. Come by and check them out for yourself—you’ll see what all the hype is about!
Don’t miss Eric Jackson’s talk September 26th, 9:30 AM
For more information about the Paddle Sports Show 2024 conference program, visit:
For more about Apex Watercraft, visit: