French paddle brand Select are launching their very own photo contest with the chance to win one of their high end paddles! Here are the details to enter:

Rules to participate :
1 : Drag and drop, or upload your best pictures of a Select paddle in action on Facebook and/or Instagram. Ambiance, lifestyle, action, landscape…
2 : The best selected pictures will be published on the communication networks of the Select brand: website, social networks, booths, posters, magazines etc.
3: Bonus ! The winners will be offered a Select paddle !**.
Now jump on your boat, and strike a pose. Good luck !
Deadline for photo deposit : 31/07/2021 – results : 05/08/2021
The winners will have to provide their native photos in high def. and sign an authorization form for image rights. Either by refunding the value of the pictured Select paddle – as per catalog price (limited to 1 paddle reimbursed per winning picture), or by shipping a new Select paddle – same range as the winning pictured one (limited to 1 paddle shipped per winning picture).

More info go to :