ROTOMOD - Upcycling

The second life of our buoyancy aids and communication media.
Design, Industrial, Watersports

ROTOMOD has been involved in polyethylene recycling for several years: production surpluses, scraps, and our partners’ end-of-life boats. The recycled raw material is incorporated into the production of new kayaks and canoes, and industrial parts such as water treatment microstations.

♻ We now give a second life to obsolete accessories and our communication media (tarpaulins, kakemonos and other visual supports for our stands at trade fairs).

We have entrusted our materials to ATELIER LILOKAWA, which designs and assembles products in Work Integration Centres in the Pays de la Loire region. The men and women who work there are building a personalised training or professional future. We would like to thank ATELIER LILOKAWA for their professionalism and support in this project.

Our buoyancy aid waistcoats are now computer cases, and storage cases, our tarps are now key rings or XXL bags that are very useful for whitewater sports or everyday life.

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