To support the Ukrainian Red Cross and help the civilians currently experiencing bombing all over Ukraine, Canadian-based gear manufacturer Level Six launched a virtual raffle with which participants can win a dry top while making a donation.

Level Six are raffling off 3 of their great dry tops. This virtual raffle aimes at providing financial support to the Ukrainian Red Cross and showing kayaking solidarity to the Ukrainian community.
Buy a $10 virtual raffle ticket (unlimited entries per person) and you can win 1 of 3 (Duke, Nebula or Nova). The 2022 Level Six colours happen to be the national colours of Ukraine, so it’s an easy way to help Ukraine.
The raffle will run until March 27. Three winners will be selected at random and announced live on Facebook/Instagram on March 28th.
100% of the proceeds go tot the Ukrainian Red Cross.
Buy a ticket at www.levelsix.com