AQUABOUND - Lam-Lok technology

Aqua Bound’s revolutionary US patent-pending Lam-Lok™  technology is unlike any other blade protection available in the industry and represents a major leap forward in innovation. Using a specialized sewing machine, Aqua Bound stitches over 5 meters of aramid thread into each blade. Whereas other paddle technologies utilize resin-based edge protection, this unique sewing process mechanically bonds the laminated layers of the blade together, which in turn extends the life of the blades by resisting impact, abrasion and delamination. Our in-house testing has revealed Lam-Lok™ to be a minimum of 5x more effective at fighting delamination and resisting abrasion than other paddles currently on the market.

Ultimately, the inclusion of Lam-Lok™ means the surface area of the blades – and therefore the paddle itself – is maintained for much longer. When a paddle lasts longer, replacements are less frequent and fewer fibreglass, carbon fibre and other materials find their way to a landfill. Additionally, when paddles wear down, the fibreglass and carbon microfibers flake off and do not go home with you – they are left in the water. Minimizing the microfilaments that wear off blades also lessens the impact on marine environments.

Lam-Lok™ is currently available on Aqua Bound’s Aerial, Tetra, Whiskey, Tango and Malta paddle, with our goal being to incorporate the technology into every composite paddle we manufacture.

Visit the Aqua Bound booth at the show to see a testing demonstration of the Lam-Lok technology in real time!

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